ARC Ref 3 or VTL 6.5?

Thinking about upgrading my ARC LS25 II. Considering VTL 6.5 or ARC REF 3. My amp is VTL MB450 and speaker is Wilson Sophia.
Thank you for your time.
Allenc, what is the rest of your system, including ICS, speakerwires, PCs, etc. . .? What music do you listen to? What do you like least about your LS25? What do you like best about your LS25? What sound do you wish to achieve?
I am proud owner of a Ref 3, yet that does not mean anything, as both devices are excellent and to the best of my knowledge without reproach. It will be only a matter of personal preference. . . so, do tell us more.
Guidocorona, my system consists of Esoteric x01, all transparent ultra mm cables and shunyata pcs (python & anaconda). It is not that I don't like ls25 but looking for something better. I mostly listen to classic and some jazz.
What a coincidence Allenc, I also have an X-01, into Ref 3, Into Rowland 7M, into MagnePan 3A. My Ref 3 replaces an ARC LS2B. I chronicled my long selection process on the following thread:
I listen almost only to classical music, and within that not too much orchestra, but mostly chamber and vocal. You won't go wrong with either linestages. VTL will give you perhaps just slightly softer transients and a slightly more intimate or romantic feel. Ultimately you may need to audition both these creatures. . . really tough to find them both in the same store though, except perhaps at Soundworks in Kensington (Ma). 301-929-8600. If you decide to buzz them, you should make sure you talk to Peter, he is extremely knowledgeable, the rest of that company's crowd is quite run of the mill instead. By the way, you should try an Anaconda Helix Alpha on your X-01 if you have the opportunity!
For the biggest immediate improvement, ditch the Transparent cables. Transparent makes a system sound lifeless -- or at least that was what a friend and I heard in our systems. If the high end needs taming, Transparent works great -- but you pay a big price. If you don't believe me, borrow something like any of Acoustic Zen cables and see (hear) for yourself.