ARC ref 5SE current or past owners

I have an option of buying a preowned ref5SE.
My amps are the Audionet MAX and my natural choice would be the Audionet top of the line pre but I don't have where to audition.
My current pre is the MBL based MC601 by music culture technologies.
I never thought I will go for a tube pre again but I can audition the ref5 probably next week so I will give it a shot.
What should I expect from the ref5 Se?
Previous owners - which pre replaced it and why?
Did anyone compare it to Audionet pre G2 by any chance ?
Thanks in advance to all repliers.
A power amp with an impedance impedance of 3kOhms?! Keith Herron says that is done because lowering the input impedance of an amp improves it's test bench specs. Unfortunately there is a price to be paid for doing that.
10-17-15: Icorem
Hi again
I had the Ref5SE for home audition for the past 2 days.
As anticipated I had impedance matching problems with my Audionet MAX amps. In XLR - total mess but in RCA it worked fine when the volume was at 50 and up. It sounded then much better than my current pre but I won't take it because of these synergy problems. My lesson was however that i have much to upgrade in the preamp department. As previously said I might eventually buy blindly the matched Audionet preamp but until then I will try to audition some more. Any recs ?
Your result is not surprising. Checkout a VAC Signature MKIIa SE or higher. My Sig MKIIa has no problems driving my Hegel H30 with a 4M XLR. I think H30 input impedance is 20kΩ XLR | 10kΩ RCA.
When hooked to the RCA input the ref5 sounded very good but as I said the volume level was at 50 and up so I won't go for the ref5 as these limitations might cause problems in the future.

BDP24 - can you elaborate a little bit ? I didn't understand exactly what do you mean by "improve test bench specs". Do you think Audionet is trying to push the owners away from high output impedance tube preamps...?
Icorem, you posted that "[w]hen hooked to the RCA input the ref5 sounded very good but as I said the volume level was at 50 and up so I won't go for the ref5 as these limitations might cause problems in the future." With respect, your post is a bit of a non sequitur. The volume control level setting is not a limitation per se that will a fortiari cause problems in the future.

That said, if you find a linestage/pre that sounds better when hooked up to your AudioNet MAX, ... definitely go for it. In audio, there is no such thing as one size fits all.
I totally agree with you, but when other owners say that their volume level rarely go over 40, I think it has something to do with the impedance ratio between the units and the long IC between the amps and the pre.
I've yet to find a better solution but will probably audition the Constellation 1.0 line stage or buy blindly the Audionet pre g2...