As my Mama useta say, "Each to her own, said the lady as she kissed the cow". ARC loves their customer base the same way Trump "loves the poorly educated". If the newest ARC pre-amp is sooo much better than the one it's replacing, and that one was sooo much better than the one before it, how bad was the one they sold you three, four, five generations back? And how much have you spent to get where you are now?
What I'm saying is that there are other companies making competitive products that don't suck nearly as much dough out of your wallet, products that haven't needed nearly as many changes to stay competitive as have the ARC's. And better built, ta boot. Talk to any experienced EE tech about the design and build of ARC products, particularly their power amps. Yup, I've said it before. Truth is timeless. I've owned ARC, and I've owned Atma-Sphere. I now own Music Reference. Roger spends years perfecting his designs before bringing them to market, not using his customers as unpaid design consultants.