ARC Ref 6 plexiglass cover

My brand new ARC Ref 6 black was delivered yesterday 6-15-18 from ARC and to my big surprise was the twice as thick plexiglass cover that came with it. I had bought a used Ref 6 silver,natural finish that i had problems with it from the shipment (came damaged ) any way the year that the used one was built was 2016 and had the twice as thin plexiglass cover which seemed to melt on top of the power supply tube. It looks like ARC corrected this problem and now uses the twice as thick plexiglass cover , i can not see this cover melting and causing it to bubble on top of the power supply tube. Nice improvement ARC !!!  And i will tell you that right out of the box it sounds AMAZING..
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
@folkfreak  No there are no small kids in the house. But the cover also protects from dust. 
@lostbears  @folkfreak ....Also when i had the 5se it mine came with the metal top cover . Wouldnt that have increased the heat more? 
The cover has holes in it, so dust will get in anyway. At least with it off you can see and remove the dust, and if you’re bothered put it back, or another type of cover, when not listening

the metal covers are worse as they resonate in a more problematic range then Perspex, although Perspex has its own sonic signature

btw @tattooedtrackman hope you’re also getting some Herbies dampers. And you might also play with footers for under the preamp as well
@folkfreak .... Yes the Hebies dampers are def on my to do list. And yes i can also take off and put back on the cover after listening . No big deal.. BTW  Just ordered the Oyaide carbon fiber aluminum base covers . WPC-Z2 and WPC-Z to go with with my 3 Furutech GTX -d r