ARC Ref and tube rolling

I am a newbie when it comes to tube equipment. I have had the ARC Ref 3, Ref 110, and Ref CD7 for a couple of years and they are my first set of tube components. Has anyone experimented with tube rolling with any of these units (what are some of the favorite flavors of the 6550 output tubes in the Ref 110 - which I guess is the obvious place to tube roll - relative to the stock tubes that come from Audio Research)? Also, are there any issues one ought to look out for if one were to experiment with tube rolling with ARC components (voided warranties, ARC gear not self biasing, etc...)? Thx for help in advance.
I would call Leonard at Audio Research and ask him. Personally I would confine my tube rolling to the small signal tubes in the preamp and or cd player.
I did swap the 4 6h30p's for 6h30DR's supplied by the tubestore and liked it very much. More open, detailed well worthwhile though costly now. Power Tubes were better as standard, i tried a Tung-sol 6550 and it seemed a bit bloated, so swapped back, and preferred that.
I have tried the NOS 6550 TungSol Black Plate from the 50's (not the new TungSol reissue tubes, which are crap IMO)in my Ref 3 and it was a major upgrade. I cannot recommend it highly enough. I had written abot that in detail in another thread. My syetem at the time was Ref 3, Ref 110 and Ref 7.