Arcam FMJ 23 vs modded Oppo

I've got the upgrade bug. While I'm happy with the Arcam, it is getting on in years. Would a modded Oppo (from Exemplar) be a nice sonic upgrade over the Arcam and worth the expenditure?
Local dealer claims an Exemplar modded Oppo will impress me. I just learned he has a used modded 95 coming into his store that I plan to audition. I'll have a comparison for you then. I agree that the Arcam is a nice player but I have the upgrade bug and no amount of meds will get rid of it.
I have to agree with Chazro. I have heard the cd23 and it is an absolutely awesome cdp!! In my systems, I have found it is hard to get much better sound out of a digital front end when you have something that is already good. The difference based on the money spent would be minimal. I understand that drugs don't stop the upgrade bug, been there :) Maybe a differnt amp or speakers? Have you considered an outboard DAC? The Arcam would make a fine transport..
Auditioning the Exemplar should tell me what I need to know. I was sharing with my local dealer how I was blown away by a Wadia 850 that I auditioned from his store a number of years ago. But financially it was just out of reach and I couldn't buy it. But it was stunning! He said the Exemplar modded 95 sounded better than the 850. And I trust his ears. So, I'm really anxious to hear it. If it doesn't blow me away, no harm , no foul; and I keep my Arcam.