If my experience is of any value to you:
I recently bought an Arcam SA20, to pair up with my Dynaudio evoke 30 like of speakers. Initailly, it sounded good - perhaps because of being fresh off the bos etc - it had somewhat of a tubish sound, but within a couple of weeks the sound deteriorated quite a bit. Had very little dynamism.
From a build quality and design standpoint it was BAD. I have owned a couple of Luxmans, a couple of NADs, a Marantz, a Mcintosh and Denons in the past. If the NADs are a 4 on a scale of 0 to 10 with Luxmans being at the top end, the Arcam SA20 was AT best a low 1. The build quality is POOR, the buttons are made of plastic, they are loss & shaky, and the "click" of the button feels like something from an 80s car stereo. It is just poor design for $1500.
I sent it back and bought a beautiful Luxman SQ -N150 in its place.
I recently bought an Arcam SA20, to pair up with my Dynaudio evoke 30 like of speakers. Initailly, it sounded good - perhaps because of being fresh off the bos etc - it had somewhat of a tubish sound, but within a couple of weeks the sound deteriorated quite a bit. Had very little dynamism.
From a build quality and design standpoint it was BAD. I have owned a couple of Luxmans, a couple of NADs, a Marantz, a Mcintosh and Denons in the past. If the NADs are a 4 on a scale of 0 to 10 with Luxmans being at the top end, the Arcam SA20 was AT best a low 1. The build quality is POOR, the buttons are made of plastic, they are loss & shaky, and the "click" of the button feels like something from an 80s car stereo. It is just poor design for $1500.
I sent it back and bought a beautiful Luxman SQ -N150 in its place.