I am wondering if anyone got this here in NOrth america? I can't find any discussion about this new product. Anyhow, any thoughts on the overall sound about their USB async transfer by dCS? I really want this but as I search from my local arcam dealer they don't have it YET..

Thank you

Can't understand the term "polite". Sorry! I have never owned an arcam product before.

@Tricka, what is your definition of a simple music (vocals/jazz/bluegrass)? Seems sound on the bright side eh? Hyperdetailed? Whats your equipment?

ALso, do you have preference on the USB cable used?

You got the rDAC on your local arcam dealer?

Thanks. :-)
I posted this over at CA. Cut and pasted here. I would be interested if any other rDac owners have had the same experience.

I thought to update this thread after a mini GTG with some fellow audio buddies last night at a mate's house where we compared the rDac to a Havana and Lavry DA10.
The rDac,frankly, atm sounds bloody awful. It was very unhappy last night in the company of both the Havana and Lavry DA10. Clearly it wasn't as good - actually I'll go further and say all present (myself included) just wanted it turned off and quickly. One fellow audiophile commented it was "rigid" and I'd agree. It sounded very distorted and remains so today.
Having owned both the Havana and Lavry this surprised me - I have liked alot about the rDac since I have owned it but have noted a definite change in character over the last few days - and not for the good. As I sit here and type this it sounds very bright, has poor detail and separation, is uneven and is anything but liquid. Unpleasant is how I would put it - and that is through my beloved Jadis amp which can make anything sound gorgeous.
Perhaps it is burn in, perhaps it is I am being more critical in my listening. I do recall that many SS budget dacs (eg the Valabs, DacMagic) I have had sounded absolutely crap for about 200 hrs then found their voice. Then again perhaps my audio memory is terrible.
Cf to my next most recent budget dac toy - the Dacport - it really struggles. The Dacport was great - I liked it alot although got quickly bored - you soon hit its limits.
ATM I definitely prefer it to the rDac. But then again I'd prefer my iPhone to the rDac atm.

Lets see what happens with another 100 hrs on it.....
Ok time for an update - the ugly phase appears to be passing somewhat. Massed strings - while still suffering confusion - at least do not offend as they did. I would still describe the rDac as fairly... ahem...forward. Another 30 hrs to go before I get to the 200 mark. Lets see what happens then.

I had hoped the rDac would benefit from the dCS tech to raise it beyond budget Dac status. Unless something radical happens I can't see that occurring.
This is going to sound like I don't believe you. Please don't take it that way; I don't doubt you heard what you heard...

What you're describing sounds very odd to me. I've heard a ton of Arcam stuff - not the rDAC - and never heard what you're describing. When I asked if the rDAC had "polite highs" I asked it because every Arcam piece I've ever heard sounds a bit mellow and easy on the ears in that region. Never heard an Arcam sound harsh or distorted in the highs.

To my ears, Arcam has always sounded well balanced and a bit laid back.

Are you sure something wasn't amiss with either the rest of the system or the rDAC itself? If it sounds that bad, maybe something's wrong with it? I'm not saying Arcam is perfect, but their gear has always sounded very good to my ears. It's never sounded out-classed by more expensive gear to me. Maybe not as good, but not to the extent you're describing.

Again, I haven't heard the rDAC. I can't say you're wrong or right. I'd be very surprised if there wasn't something off here.

I should also disclose that I'm not the biggest believer of burn in for stuff that doesn't move. Digital gear needs a good amount of warm up time, but burn in is another matter. Every time I turn off my Theta DAC or Rega Apollo for a while, it takes a good 2 hours or so of playing music before everything sounds right. Interestingly enough, the highs are always most effected by it. My Theta sounds shrill, harsh and distorted when it's cold. The Apollo does too, but not to the same extent. Maybe this was part of it?
I'm with you - Arcam gear has always sounded pretty balanced to me. They are a large company with great R&D. I do not expect them to release a poor product even if it is aimed at the budget end of life.

Nope - not my system. That I do know.

I too am a burn in sceptic. But is something that I regularly observe... Even Charlie Hansen talks of burn in with his QB9. He is unsure why but supposes it may be the particular resin used on the pcb....go figure.

I don't turn digital gear off - it is always on. No warming up to deal with.

I have to say that initially it sounded a lot better than it currently does - see my earlier impressions and the thread I started at CA.

You are quite correct - I'm only reporting what I hear - the good and and the bad.

Disclaimer: these are just my personal musings and accordingly you should attribute no weight to my views beyond the usual internet tittle tattle.

And you are quite correct I may well have a faulty unit. As I privately imported it from the UK warranty is out of the question - I'm not that enamoured with it to be bothered sending it back. If it doesn't improve in the bin it goes.

I'm more interested in other rDac owners telling me if they have had a similar experience. If they have not then it is an issue unique to me and most likely a fault in the unit. If they have then I know it is not a unique issue.

Mate - pop out and buy one - they are cheap as chips. If you hear nothing but sweet sounds then I know it's my unit.

Best Wishes