Except for my Node2i and DAC, I own 'vintage' gear'. Why? One: I can afford it and Two: I like the way my gear sounds. That said...
I recently went to the Pacific Audio Fest and, as expected, I heard some great sounding products. (And some 'meh', TBH) Now, all of this gear by definition was 'new' with the latest in materials and technology. And yet, I didn't leave feeling the overwhelming need to upgrade everything. Even if I had an unlimited audio budget, I didn't feel the need to tear out all my old gear to get the latest kit. Why?
I'm happy with the sound I have. And that IMHO is the question you should be asking yourself: Are you happy with your current source/DAC/speakers/cables/etc.? If you are not, and you're willing to part with the requisite amount of funds to get something you feel is better then my all means, go shopping. But if you're sitting with a glass of wine and enjoying the music, why get on the upgrade treadmill?
Anyways, I'm not trying to be a killjoy here. I'm merely suggesting that you take a good look/listen where you are first. If you can arrange an audition in your home with your gear for comparison, so much the better.
Happy listening.