are all amps equal

I have recently gotten the Mcintosh bug, but a friend of my who does a LOT or reading on the net says power output is the answer not the name. I am looking for the best sound I can get in the 3k$ range for my Usher Be 718s. I have looked at many used Mcintosh units in the 200 watt plus output area, but my friend says a new 250 watt Emotiva would be a better value. The Emotiva is around $800.
I would like some imput.. Thanks, Don
I've found over the years of going back and forth between full-range speakers and speakers that don't deliver the low end (sub 35hz), that, like Grant, I get more overall enjoyment from speakers that make basement deliveries. I do not lean towards specific musical tastes that take advantage of that. I find I've been spoiled by the expectations that it will be there. When the music does not require it I'm not sure whether or not it factors into my enjoyment, but I would guess that it comes more into play than one might think. I'd certainly also agree with Grant's premise that price does not always define quality or lack thereof and wold extend that to any component in a system. I've heard plenty of great monitor speakers that are fun, musical and engaging, but even the best of them leave me wanting of something more. It is a personal choice though, and I am sure there are those who are very satisfied with a more limited range.
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Tvad - I found bass to be directional in spite of claims tha it is not and some LP recording that were mono below 150 Hz. It is probably in harmonics but wouldn't sub make it worse.

Also - don't you feel that speakers like Revel Saloon designed to go very low are better choice than smaller speakers + sub. Price wise second solution might be cheaper but very good subs are not cheap.
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Yes, but that's not helpful to the OP, who has indicated his intention to keep his bookshelf speakers.

Sorry - I lost the focus.