Are all external hard drives the same?

I am looking for an external hard drive to hook into my Oppo-95. Are there any differences other than storabe size? What should I look for? This will be used to store movies and music.
There's limits on the voltage output on most usb's. Too big of a drive may not power up correctly. Get a usb powered drive with the option for a wall wart.
Also, with my oppo, the menu isn't so great. Again, too much on one drive could get difficult.
You want a USB drive with its own power supply. I have an Oppo bDP-93 and it plays quite well with my 3 Seagate FreeAgen 1.5TB drives and with my WD 750GB drive. All of these are USB 2.0 spec drives.

It will NOT recognize my new Seagate Backup Plus Desk 3 TB USB 3.0 drive. I would recommend you stick with USB 2.0 drives for your Oppo...

12-02-12: Rlwainwright
I have an Oppo bDP-93 and it plays quite well with my 3 Seagate FreeAgen 1.5TB drives and with my WD 750GB drive. All of these are USB 2.0 spec drives.

It will NOT recognize my new Seagate Backup Plus Desk 3 TB USB 3.0 drive. I would recommend you stick with USB 2.0 drives for your Oppo...
RW, I'm wondering if that might be due to the size of the drive, rather than to the interface. Drives larger than 2.19 TB utilize a different and relatively new partition table format, GPT, rather than the traditional Master Boot Record format. Older computer operating systems will not recognize GPT, and perhaps the same is true of the operating system firmware in the BDP-93 and/or BDP-95.

So I would suggest to the OP that he not purchase a drive larger than 2 TB unless an authoritative indication can be found that a larger drive will work with the player.

Excellent comments by everyone above.

-- Al
I agree with Rlwainwright.

Externally powered HDD enclosures are reasonably priced, especially if all you want is USB 2.0, which is fine for audio. Since you don't want a fan you are looking for a chunky aluminium unit that will dissipate the heat from the drive. Typical prices are around $40.

A nice 3.5" 1TB or 2TB Western Digital drive ("Red" series) consumes a small amount of power and does not require a fan. These drives are marked by their low energy consumption and quietness. Maybe around $90-130

Thank you all so much! I want to put Blu-ray, DVD, CD, lossless on the drive. What is the best way?