I’ve been listening to the EL34 tube for over 35 yrs and have compared it to many power tubes. When it comes down to which tube is more musical, the EL34 tube is simply the better tube in my opinion. I own several very expensive tube amplifiers that operate strictly on the EL34 tube. I really am not a fan of KT tubes except the KT66. The KT66 I like very much and highly recommend it. I find the KT66 more musical than the EL34. The EL34 tube is sweeter and gentler with the detail than many KT tubes. Most KT tubes sound hifi- ish. I’ve found the EL34 to have better resolution also over the KT tubes. Even though I personally do not like many KT tubes, I’ve heard them in circuits where they sounded fine. So the design is important and can make a KT sound good to my ears but still won’t have the same inner resolution that the EL34 tube has. I purchased an excellent $5,000 300b amplifier 2 yrs ago from someone who preferred to use EL34’s on his JBL monitor speakers.