Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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"To date humanity has invented a few variations on 2 basic gain devices and there's 3 ways you can use those gain devices. That gives you a limited number of basic topologies to arrange in some fashion"

This is true and pretty much sums up conventional thinking. This is exactly what I had to break away from. You see those devices and see their limitations. I see the same devices and I see unlimited uses.
What if there was a fourth way to use them? Now that would be outside the box. 

Microphones cannot 'hear' everything so those designers were right anyway - music can't even be recorded as performed let alone reproduced. And I think this is good. Let the chase continue forever.

" music can't even be recorded as performed let alone reproduced"

It turns out this is not true. You have formed an opinion about the current and past recordings based on what? An admittedly poor reproduction system? If you take the distortion out of the playback electronics you would be shocked at how much captured detail and imaging data is embedded in the recording including cues that trigger the sensation that it is live.