Are future improvements in Amp/PreAmps slowing to a crawl?

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Unfortunately amplifiers inherently shoot themselves in the foot. Too many large capacitors that produce phase shifts, too many big honking transformers that create large magnetic fields and vibration, too many capacitors and resistors that are placed arbitrarily without thought of directionality, fuses the same. Printed circuit boards that are strongly coupled (bolted) to the chassis and transformers that are bolted to the chassis. Give me a break! I got rid of my amplifiers last year. Or was it the year before? I also got rid of house AC and all the attendant issues thereof. I got rid of speaker cables and power cords and interconnects and digital cables. And fuses. And I don’t have to worry about room treatments since I’m strictly headphone oriented. I never looked back. Don’t look back, something might be gaining on you. 😬 If thy eye offend thee pluck it out. 👁

geoffkait, that's definately a different but interesting approach but how were you able to get rid of the house ac?
Nobody's gonna call TEO Audio out on his endless self promotion?   He can spell the line of bull crap like no other! Well maybe not no other, there is a rock selling salesman who is very accomplished at that as well. 
 Just to prevent some one from falling for his smooth lies I'll let you all know that I have tried his wire and his insanely expensive passive preamplifier  and neither one is anything special. 
 Trust me, it's not a reset of audio at the most basic level or whatever crap line he likes to throw out.