Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Think of the power cord that comes with your gear as a "courtesy" power cord, just to get you going. @millercarbon explained this very well above.

Whether you are happy with the stock power cords or want to try "after market" power cord, that's all up to you.

Have you every tried to call / email Ayre and ask?
Power cords are included as a courtesy, just like patch cords. You aren't meant to actually use them. They are meant to stay wrapped in the plastic bag in the box to be passed along with the owner's manual to the next guy.
This reminds of a "trick" that the owner of a hi-fi shop does all the time when selling "open box" (returned) items: Oh look... this was not even powered on ... the power cord is still in the plastic wrapper !! 
I've been in contact with folks at Ayre on serval occasions, including a scolding from Charles Hanson for placing a Bryston 10B high-pass filter between my (or maybe his) KX-5/20 and VX-5/20, but never asked about power cords.  I think I understand the logic of millercarbon's argument, and it has altered my thinking about power cables a bit.  Manufacturers do not supply interconnect nor speaker cables, so I rely on Cardas for those.

Thanks for all the thoughtful replies.

Ayre doesn’t know how long your power cord will be or what you will plug it into.  While the supplied cord is adequate for general use, many of us like to refine our systems to better serve our particular ears, tastes and listening environments.  That’s not something Ayre could predetermine and I wouldn’t want them to invest heavily in a power cord when I may prefer a cord that takes the sound a little different direction.  For them to attempt to supply a cable that is the ultimate match for you is no more possible then having them sell their amp with speakers that they think you would like best.