Are manufacturer AC cables good enough?

I have two PS Audio AC3 and two Pangea AC 14 cables I don't use.  My thinking is that Ayre wouldn't supply cables that are inadequate for their components.  Is that thinking flawed?

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Can someone please help me through the following line of reasoning:
AC current travels 2-3 miles from a transfer station at 220 volts, enters my home into a distribution/circuit breaker box, travels through 45 feet of 12 gauge solid copper wire at 110 volts to a plug in my wall, into which I place a 3-foot long power cord.....
How can this 3 feet of power cord transform the electrons that have come so far into some magical source of electricity for my components?   It does not take much metal-to-metal connectivity to provide 100, 200, or 300 volts into a device.....
jbmays:  Hearing is my reasoning!  That is the only reason I upgraded my power cables.  Do you get that?  You don't have to understand it to appreciate it.  That is what everyone is saying.  If you don't get it (hear it) then you don't need it. 
Can someone please help me through the following line of reasoning:
AC current travels 2-3 miles from a transfer station at 220 volts ...
No, that's not at all how power is distributed, but at voltages that measure in the many kVs, probably 4,800 kV minimum.

Electrons don’t move. For the umpteenth time!

Yeah, right. Tell that to a CRT. And they move between orbitals all the time when sufficiently excited.  And of course, every time you "look" at one, it's in a different location ;-)