Thanks yall, Believe me I want to get into vinyl, Oh man I do, but I hit tough times these days and after moving and living a 36000 mile a year driving life all my favorite CD's are gone and I have converted to what I swore I would never do, Ripping CD's on a digital hard drive, (Ive easily bought 600-900 CD's in my life so I dont feel bad, and Ill go to any show I can find, Also I never bought new discs). I want to get into Vinyl Bad but it is far less expensive to go this route for now until I get back up on top, Then Ill be buying music like crazy again YIKES!!!!
And no way Alice in chains is my favorite band thats awesome, Thank you all appreciate the quick feedback
And no way Alice in chains is my favorite band thats awesome, Thank you all appreciate the quick feedback