Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?
Cornfedboy, I am not sure who you are talking to, but it is safe to assume that I must be one of your audience. It does not take Marxism to talk about morality. Charity is still morally superior to, say, spending extra money on yourself even in our society, isn't it? But, nobody will blame you for not rising above the norm of capitalistic instincts in our society. But, we will congratulate you for rising above the norm, though. In other words, good thing is good thing is good thing. No need to lean on ideology for morality. Not to feel too badly if you have not done a lot of good things with your money. I have not. Nobody has to in the US. But, sharing still is a good thing. Robbing is bad. And, neither is neutral in our society. In your context, morally neutral. That is how I see it, and my moral stance with money has been mostly neutral. Still, sharing is morally fulfilling as someone said here, and I do admire people who does that. Nonetheless, that is not to propose how much is "morally acceptable." Only you can determine that in the US. Are you materially affluent enough to buy your gears, so that the opportunity cost is minimal (that was the argument of mine)? Then, that is it. If you want to go into "morally acceptable" figures, that is about it. No ideological issues here. Who is trying to take the gears from your hands? By the way, there are rich Democrats and even rich Socialists. I am not sure why you are assuming so much here to put forth an argument nobody has hinted. If interested, we can talk some more tonight..
Gosh! You can write a book about this from the all of the above replies. My theory is really simple. Buy what makes you happy-be it for music, name brands, or to show -off.No excuses. I waited for long time for what I wanted (Full range speakers, power amp to go with itand works) untill when I could afford. I won't lower my standards. That has been my theory for every thing in life. Wait till you afford it or else don't buy, don't whine, don't rationalize. Buy nothing but the best. Just be Happy. I bet if you were to win a lottery tommorrow, everyone of you will go get that 100+ k system and never return to this sorry ass site.
Nilthepill - only 1/2 right - if I won the lottery tomorrow I would go get that 100K system, but I would return to this site as well. I'd have to brag somewhere.....
Hell, if I won the lottery who needs audio. I would hire the Rolling Stones as my house band, ok, maybe not them, but I bet I could get The Emerson String Quartet: Schubert, Mozart, Spohr,Brahms,Beethoven string quartets live in your house! Everyday! Wow! Now is that being morally bankrupt? Actually, if I won the lottery I think I would buy a Hinckley 53' sailboat. Hell with audio let the waves be my music.