Are you Guys Rich or What!?

I have an old system, nothing special, Adcom, Vandersteens etc and I recently set foot for the first time in a "high end" shop, hoping to get to the next level of audio nirvana. When I saw some of the prices for monoblock amplifiers, cables, the latest speakers etc, I practically fell off my chair when I realized that I could blow $50-100K pretty easily on this stuff. I am not rich. Do you big budget system guys all work on Wall Street or something or do you eat macaroni and cheese most nights to put a few bucks away for CDs and your next upgrade?
It is beginning to sound like a sermon here, and not Audiogon. Axomoxa, it seems to me that you are still judging people by your own yardstick of limitations. My point is that it is possible to donate 100,000 to charity, assist friends and family, help little old ladies across the street, and still spend $100,000 on a sound system. You seem to think that the person buying such a sound system has only that much money, and splurged it all on a stereo. Your "too far" seems not very far to me. I bet it would not be too hard for you to imagine buying a beautiful Vac integrated amp with Synergistic Research cables, Avalon speakers, A Theta transport with DCS upsamplers, 100 favorite CD's and a nice Eames leather leather chair to listen in if you tried. I hope you win a million dollars in the lottery and get the chance to put your money where your mouth is. Good luck to you, either way.
People who criticize others because they are upgrading, or spend there $$$ on some of the more esoteric equipment because they can, raise my eyebrows. Tubegroover say's "I guess I do question individuals that are always changing out expensive gear in a never ending quest for owning the best" Who are you to question anyone on how they spend there money. Would you like it if I questioned you on your ancient audio gear. It is not always true but more times than not, you get what you pay for. I guess I am one of those irrational non-sensible ones. It must be true cause Tubegroover said so. I think you are losing your groove tube. Cornfedboy, WOW, you blow my mind. Would you teach me to write?
Brulee if it makes you feel good do it. Ye protest too much. I must have hit a nerve ending. My questioning is the sanity (insanity?) of 50k 100k 250k(?) components and all the underlying reasons for their existence in the first place. I don't see it as good value. How much is too much? Everyone has their "uncle" point, mine is at a lower threshold than yours, thats all. I'm talking about my values, NOT YOURS BRULEE. If you want to critique my system with my "ancient gear" (You REALLY proved my point to myself after that remark) after listening, I would welcome it. Always value an astute opinion. I'm sure with as much gear as you apparently have owned, some good recommendations could be made. I could then go out and pay maybe 30 or 40% of retail on the used market.
Tubegroover, Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with your gear or anybody else's. It is your questioning individuals on anything that I protest. Ya, you hit a nerve when you once again questioned me on my post of the FIM PCs. Remember when I raised your eyebrows? You made an unfair accusation because of my 3 posts on this wonderful sounding PC and 3 days later you do the same thing regarding MIT. I guess it is ok for you but not me. Peace tubegroover.
Thomas Haliberton. I just a matter of perspective and priority. Every time you see a 50,000 plus Mercedes in traffic just think what the driver could be listening to at night if he/she had bought a Toyata Camray. There's lots of wealth out there it's just only about one in a hunderd have it. Don't feel that not having it will exclude you from having a great system. Putting away 75.00 every second week and buy used over a period of 8to10 years will build you a system that 9/10th's of the best. Read David99's post above for a great yet affordabe upgrade path. Yet another analogy. In the last few months I had to buy 3 high end laptops for some of my wife's employees. $ 18.000 CDN and after 3 years they are not worth their weight in pototoes. I could have bought a Simaudio moom amp,pre and cd and had great music for 20 years. Cheers steve