Are You Happy With Your Phono Preamp?

I have been gradually upgrading my analogue components.  Which presently consist of: SME 20/2 turntable (old but good), Kuzma 4Point Tonearm, Soundsmith Hyperion (MI) cartridge (love this), Dynavector (MC) DRT XV1, PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp (connected to ARC Ref 6, Pass Labs 160.8, Avantgarde Uno).  I have to say that I am very happy with the analogue sound from this system.  That said, high end audio being what it is I can’t help wondering if I am leaving some better sound on the table with the PS Audio phono preamp … though I know I should not judge by price alone.  I have been looking alternative phono stages:  the VTL 6.5i, ARC Reference 3SE, Boulder 508, Pass XP17 … this price range.  Those who are long experienced analogue lovers … do you think I am leaving any sound quality on the table by sticking with the PS Audio phono stage? Do you believe that I would see a meaningful change in sound quality by moving to a phono stage in the price range I have been looking at?


I am very happy with my Primare R35. It is connected to my Linn LP12 and Lyngdorf TDAI 3400 with analog board.

Zesto Andros Deluxe

Nicely priced about $8500. Have almost all the features of their $15K model but in one box and can only take two instead of 4 inputs.

Gorgeous tube sound without tube downsides. Also beautiful to look at.

I agree with king herald, the Pass XP17 is a superb phono stage, dead quiet, dynamic, you would be happy with it.

Agree with mglik about the Zesto phono stages. I replaced my Deluxe with the Reference and love both phono stages.

We are a Zesto dealer. We took on the line based on the sound of the original Deluxe which has been improved.

While researching phono stages looking for the best price/performance, on another’s  post, “PS Audio Stellar Phono (buy audio magic ultimate beeswax shd fuse $225- big improvements)”

A lot of buzz about those fuses. 😎

The old ARC PH2 i was using for a couple of decades was pretty good.
I only really upgraded as I wanted loading options and more gain to run a MC.