Are your kids into audio?

I have 3 grown children (25,23,20) and none have an interest in audio and very little interest in music. Kind of bums me out. I am pretty new to the good audio part of the hobby, but have been into music for years. I have shown them all how to operate my system in case they want to enjoy their music, but they haven't ever turned it on. I even have a small dedicated room for listening.

My wife NEVER listens to music, she is wrapped up with the TV. I have asked them what they will do with my stuff after I am gone, and their response is "sell it". Kind of a depressing thought. So I have decided I am going to have to outlive them all. ;)

What is your spouse and kids thoughts on your hobby? I hope it is better than mine.

I think it's a burgeoning process and with my boy, I started when he was <1, playing music while I took care of him during the day. He has a modest system I put together for him but he uses his XPS for the source.

Maybe music at an early age does help with math, as he's in an engineering program, although I never played classical. I don't know if that means he'll be better with linear or non-linear mathematics.

My daughter has shown very limited interest but at least she has a little system to use & I do hear it playing.
My kids are young - 5, 7, both boys - thankfully, but they are more interested in gaming and hit list music when listening to the radio. I liken hi-fi adoption as I would think of (when you are young) getting into history, museums, and even Religion... When you are young, it is something you learn, observe, and do out of obligation, but when you get older and self-discover - you come around eventually and find Occam's Razor on your own...
My daughter, age 17, God bless her heart, is into music. I bought her a nice system for her room. A Music Hall MMF-5 and a Rotel Integrated, along with some PSB bookshelf speakers. She has an iPod, too, but she knows the difference. We go shopping the used record stores in Chicago, and I buy Green Day and Death Cab for Cutie, and she buys Sinatra and Billie Holiday records. Nice, huh!
