ART DIO Modded or Job DA48 ??

Dear all which one of the two above would u advise me ??
The Job 48 can be found at and for whom is not aware of it, Job is a Goldmund group company.
Job DA 48 seems a well reputed product with high tech involved but no idea how it could compare with an ART DIO modded.

Prices are similar
Tks to anyone that could be of help.
No chance to audition them for me, sorry.
Any clue will be highly appreciated
Regarding Wayne's products at Bolder cable, I have his power supply with Bybees that I cryo'd and put on a stock DI/O....amazing difference!! I'm going to get the mod done later.
I am looking for Wayne's email/ph #. Anyone that could help would be appreciated..
Just a follow-up to what I had written about the ART mod from Bolder.It is well worth it.I only have the smART version,but I plan on getting the MENSA version in the future.

A very important thing to get is another PS rather than using the one that comes with the stock DIO.I bought the Atari PS which cost me like $13.Waynes cost like $125 which is to much for me,but it is no doubt better.There is another that can bought which at the moment I cannot remember what the name of the manufacture,but it can be bought at Ratshack for $25 I think.

Another thing,if you are using a Passive Pre-Amp as I do then it would be beneficial to leave the value of the output resistors set to 7v in order to get as much gain as possible from the DAC.

Good luck and happy listening!