ASR Basis Exclusive/Vector 4 combo - balanced?

I was hoping that someone out there is also using a Vector 3/4 into a ASR Basis Exclusive and had experimented using the balanced in option (well XLR's in at any rate rather than the standard RCA's). I am currently running RCA's in and balanced out and am very happy with the results but I am wondering if there are any performance gains to be had from going to the extra expense of re-terminating the phono ccable. Additionally, if anyone has done this how have they completed the wiring? That is, how have you used pin 1? Have you split the ground?

Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Dre, thanks once again for taking the time to listen so that you could give such a clear comparison between the two terminations. The noise level comparisons, given the way the Basis PSTT phono cable is terminated should be as you have stated with the XLR termination but good to have the confirmation.

Your discussion re the sonic differences between the two connections is interesting and your observations with your Ayre do correspond with what ASR say about their unit; that ultimate performance comes via the balanced connections.

I'll give it a go. At worst I guess the XLR's will sound identical to the RCA's. Many thanks once again.

Not that it is crucial by any means, but once you make the change both your cartridge signals will have similar connection points and the same amount of metal to transverse at the phonostage input. The sonic benefit is debatable of course.

If you don't mind, I'd like to hear from you when you make the change. You can do it on this thread or via e-mail contact. It's always good to get feedback.


In the above post I should have said traverse instead of transverse. sorry.
