thanks - thats what I was looking for. It's kinda nice having equipment that doesn't change with EVERY little tweek - that can tend to drive me crazy - always searching... I tried several different footers on the powers supplies(they are on Adona stands) & battery unit last night and with every footer there was either no difference or worse...
I just need to get a platform for the main unit - it's on carpeted floor sitting on tiles - no room in the rack.
One thing that did make a HUGE difference was using the direct input instead of balanced from my Modwright Transporter - my goodness was it better and this with very inexpensive RCA's.
I just need to get a platform for the main unit - it's on carpeted floor sitting on tiles - no room in the rack.
One thing that did make a HUGE difference was using the direct input instead of balanced from my Modwright Transporter - my goodness was it better and this with very inexpensive RCA's.