ASR Emitter II or Burmester 911?

Hi,I own and enjoy an ASR Emitter 1 Exclusive driven by a dCS Paganini set up, into B&W801ds. The sound is quite beautiful - voices and instruments are very natural, colourful and quite expansive. Recently I tried my old UCD400 switching amps for a change. The sound was etched/detailed, less vivid, less natural, but punchier, with much more controlled and extended bass. It was quite a lot of fun - it had more boogie factor I guess. So now I wonder how I might get the bass of the UCDs with the beauty of the Emitter 1. Maybe Emitter 11's? I suspect the 11s will have quite similar (family) bass to the 1s though. Or maybe the Burmester 911? I'm not in a position to try either before buying so would appreciate any experience here. TIA!
I haven't listen to ASR amplifier, but IMHO Thorens TEM 3200 is better than Burmester 911 in every aspect. Do not forget to give it a serious try.
Thorens TEM 3200 better than Burmester 911's mk3? Abosolutely not.

Compared (side by side) about 3 months ago with Magneplanar 3.6R and the sound difference was huge with the Burmester.
I'm fully agree with Surfer_joe. Listening a mono-pair of 911's are unique and unrivaled by any other solid state amp in any price range. These amplifiers are very refined, delicate and absent of grain. The 911 mk3 combines the best of valves with the dynamics of pure solid state race.
Our listening test take place acout one year ago using Dartzel preamp, Nordost Valhala ICs and SCs and Acapella Violon (mk?) loudspeakers. The final result was unanimus from three persons having absolutely no interest of it. All of us claim that Thorens had more refined sound, presence, perfect timbre, better soundstage in every dimension and better instrument separation in big orchestra works. Burmester was more bass oriented amplifier, but again in a manner that covered the rest frequency range.
Sorry, but I totaly disagree with you.