This is Audio-Technica MicroLine stylus, the benefit of this stylus is very long life span (1200hrs at least). This is the most resolving and accurate stylus. But apart from ML there are many similar under different names like MicroRidge, MicroReach, SAS, Repliacant 100, Gyger, VdH ....
Shibata is very good profile too, but again there are different names Stereohedron, FineLine, Vital, Micro Tracer ... depends on the manufacturer and patent.
The statement that one profile is more "musical" than another is false. There are good and bad profiles, some people like bad profiles and call them "musical" (a conical for example). The profile must have a wide contact groove area, so you can actually hear what’s on the record. With cheap profiles you can’t hear something, you lose frequency extensions (the wound is rolled -off). Cartridge signal generator, coil wire, magnet type ... everything important.
There are many more very interesting cartridges in the world that AT or all the usual suspects. Do not stick to one brand if you want to try something interesting.
Shibata is very good profile too, but again there are different names Stereohedron, FineLine, Vital, Micro Tracer ... depends on the manufacturer and patent.
The statement that one profile is more "musical" than another is false. There are good and bad profiles, some people like bad profiles and call them "musical" (a conical for example). The profile must have a wide contact groove area, so you can actually hear what’s on the record. With cheap profiles you can’t hear something, you lose frequency extensions (the wound is rolled -off). Cartridge signal generator, coil wire, magnet type ... everything important.
There are many more very interesting cartridges in the world that AT or all the usual suspects. Do not stick to one brand if you want to try something interesting.