Audible Illusions Modulous 3A & L2 Line Stage User


Would like some response/thought on expereince/sound from the owners/users of these 2 AI Pre models with their respective components/systems. Am interested as am looking for a rvery good affordable Pre, & the word[reviews]on these products is really good & possibly in the market for one

Thx ...

Regrds T@CC
If you run Amplifiers with high sensitivity say anything under 1 1/2 volt pass on the unit. i owned 4 of these, The only way you will get it right is the L-1 Or L-2 because of the balance controls. But its you time and money so have fun.
I have owned both. The 3A stepped attenuators are a pain.
To large of volume steps. I listen to piano music. All
recordings have an absolute volume. So many times the music was either to soft or to loud. So, I sold the 3A. But, fabulous sound. I currently own the L2. (Purchased
from BigTee---A great person). I have no desire to own another preamp. Fabulous sounding. The stock tubes EH6922 are flat sounding. So do some tube rolling.
Charandacafe: I formerly owned a AI 3 that I sent to Art for upgrading. After a year and too many phone calls and excuses , a audio reviewer aided me in requiring my unit, that committed hari-kari when turned on. The unit was returned & repaired and later sold to a person with full disclamer(s). While lots of folks extoll the product I went thru hell and lost a bundel. My experience is most likely not the norm , but a sorry state for any one to get caught caught up in that mess.