Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player......

I would like to have some opinions on this cd player .....

Your comments are appreciated.

You have a great system. I owned the Prima and another dozen Dac's and players - all very good. The Prima is a little forward sounding. I found the Ack Dac V2 to sound better and it can be had for $650 used or $850 new.

I also found the Cary 308T to be better than the Prima. The Prima is good, but you can do better for less money IMHO.

Wow, the Prima forward sounding? Cannot relate at all. Do better for less money? Hey, that's what makes the world go round in this audiophoolish hobby. Listen for yourself. It's your tympanics that count. warren :)
Grannyring I suspect it is your other components, not the Prima, that sound forward. In and of itself the Prima is not a forward sounding cd player. If anything it has a reticent, relaxed, or laid back presentation. To close, in a well designed system there is no way the Ack Dac will sound better than the Prima. It's no contest.
I agree with Grannyring that the Prima can be a little forward in some cases. Don't forget everything is relative!!

Is "forward" supposed to be bad? Some of you seem to take offense to what I find is a good trait. I guess that is further proof of relativity.

Doing A/B comparisons with the Consonance, CAL, Music Hall, Sony ES and Jolida CD players I have had in my system (the reference point), the Prima is a little more forward in the midrange than any of them. This impression could stem from the fact that the Prima has exemplary soundstage depth. However, it is more laid back than the Arcam and Cary CD players I have tried. It all depends on the comparison you are making so don't leave out this pertinent information when making a "generalization."