Audio Aero Prima 24/192 Mk II cd player......

I would like to have some opinions on this cd player .....

Your comments are appreciated.

The Prima is nice but gets blown away by the new and similiarly priced Canary CD-100. It uses 6922 output tubes which allows the owner to upgrade significantly.
I love that "blown away" Stan. But you're the man..the Prima doesn't get blown away by the Capitole MkII..."blown away?"
The Capitole MkII is a very nice component but it is by no means a reference player. Indeed it bests the Prima but not by the large difference in price.
"Blown away" was my metaphor for the combination of sonics and price. That being said, the Canary blows away the Prima.
Since you have listened (for extended periods of time with various music selections and the same power cords, ICs,amp, cabling, etc.) to both, do you mind explaining specifically how the Canary "blows away" the Prima. I have owned mine for three years and am always amazed at the Prima's sound.