Plinius is also very good. I have a friend back in Puerto Rico that owns Plinius amp and preamp, from their newer line, and he wouldn't change a thing on his system.
As for Perreaux, I had the E160i for a little while (on trial basis), before buying the 200iP. The one thing that stood out as soon as I had the 200iP was how much effortless the 200iP was. The 200iP had better detail too(not a huge difference though). But again, the thing that stood out was how much more effortless and dynamic the 200iP was. I don't know if you're a bass kind of guy, but all I got to say about the Perreaux's bass is WOW. I thought the 200iP's bass was much better than that of the Krell integrated amp(I think it was the KAV300i) when I had them side to side for comparison. Actually I thought the 200iP was just hands down all around better than the Krell, for my tastes.
When I moved to the R200i (their top of the line integrated) I had an even further gain in detail, and most of all, the R200i is really quiet. Its funny cause I never fully understood what reviewers meant when they were talking about "quietness" until I brought the R200i home. Its a real difficult thing to explain, to me at least. The R200i is also a little more neutral, or maybe a better word is more accurate.
Anyway I hope you enjoy whatever gear you decide to buy a whole lot.