Hi gmc, maybe due to large number of AD cleaners sent back to Germany for repair, Reiner Glass decided to send repair instructions to the dealers Nov last year. The local dealer shared the instruction with me. For replacing the blower fans, the top cover needs to be removed by gentle knocking with mallet. Once the top cover is removed, the fans are visible. The fans were glued to the side walls and need to be pried off.
The new fan were installed to the side wall using hot glue gun. The top cover requires Tangit PVC glue which the dealer gave me. This whole unit was assembled using glue, no fasteners!
For water pump replacement, the external bottom cover needs to be knocked off and then the internal bottom cover needs to be drilled (large hole) for access to the water pump. What a design...
The new fan were installed to the side wall using hot glue gun. The top cover requires Tangit PVC glue which the dealer gave me. This whole unit was assembled using glue, no fasteners!
For water pump replacement, the external bottom cover needs to be knocked off and then the internal bottom cover needs to be drilled (large hole) for access to the water pump. What a design...