Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
One of the disturbing findings I had was that using it after I had cleaned records with the Walker Prelude and vacuumed it with the Delrin tubed VPI record cleaner. It was improved greatly. Also doing the reverse, greatly improved the sound???

Thanks, Tbg. If I'm understanding what you describe (which maybe I'm not) a second cleaning gave an improvement, and in so doing neither technology w/ attendant fluids distinguished itself?

That suggests a third type of test. Clean side A once with VPI followed by Audio Desk (the order doesn't matter), then clean side B twice with either one.

Maybe your post already answers this :) - have you found the greatest benefit of the Audio Desk to be how clean it gets a record versus some other method, or its convenience?
Jtimothya, you are understanding me right. There are limits to how much I will put up with. The Audio Desk is very convenient. I would still have one, were they dependable. Mine stopped rotating records after doing about 50 records. It does a good job also. But it is just different than what Walker Prelude and my VPI does.
Thanks TBG...

I saw this listing for the Audio Desk Cleaner at Sound Stage Direct

Audio Desk Cleaner

I've never dealt with them but it looks like a nice deal.
Eddiesudz, I suspect it is being discounted for a reason-not selling. It is too bad if Audio Desk cannot get their act together as this machine does its job well and is very convenient.