Audio Kharma website

Do people take this website serious. They have a thread about bacon that has over 1000 posts. One guy was complaining that audio was an expensive hobby but only had 300.00 tied up in his system. They think that audio made during the 70's blows away gear made in 2013. I can't figure out if these people took to much acid back in the day or are people really that stupid.
04-22-13: Phaelon
This thread reminds me of one of those mean girl movies... without the sexy mean girls.

LOL!! The funniest and most poignant post yet!!
I'm sorry there is no pictures of sexy mean girls! At least you don't have 1150 posts about bacon.

P.S. If you are really into sexy mean girls come to L.A. I'll show you a ton of them!
I'm perplexed as to why so many posters would spend time exerting so much negative energy towards Audio Karma. Why is this so important that its worth your time to post the negative?

My primary experience with AK was when I was researching McIntosh equipment. Based upon this I thought it was a good resource for learning about McIntosh. In addition, I was left with the impression that it's a good site if a hobbyist is into vintage equipment and/or DIY.

I didn't sense that the level of bias toward certain topics was any more so than any other site -- including the 'Gon.

My current favorite site is It is informative, straightforward, relatively objective and it seems to have less negative energy exerted by its members than other sites.

That's my $0.02.
04-23-13: Musicpod
I'm perplexed as to why so many posters would spend time exerting so much negative energy towards Audio Karma. Why is this so important that its worth your time to post the negative?

Not so many posters are posting negative energy Musicpod, only 1, the OP. He has 35 of the 74 posts on this thread. Most of the rest of us are just trying to figure out his mental anguish. Misplaced teenage angst perhaps? Mommy didn't love him enough? He does have some serious issues with others having their freedoms. He believes everyone should think like he does. Thank God we don't! Most of us believe in freedom!!!

This thread is a tragic waste of bandwidth, and should be deleted, if the moderators are awake.

I don't see AK deleting the 1150 posts about bacon! I'll make you a deal convince them to take down the bacon thread and I'll be happy to write the moderators here and tell them to take down this thread.