Audio Magic Monoliths .. Has Anyone Tried Them?

Jerry Ramsey's Monoliths sound really good on paper. But has any out there tried them yet? What do they sound like?

I understand the Monoliths are a different technology from the PEAs, which are supposed to me amazing.

I understand the Monoliths are a different technology from the PEAs, which are supposed to be amazing.
Do the PEAs make the sound more forward or do they mostly add to the sound stage? Do they create any change in detail or tonality?
Sabai, My understanding is different. I understand the Monoliths are just extra large peas, but perhaps I am wrong.
As for what exactly the PEAs do, its a little hard to properly articulate. I think RAks description above captures it. When you find them turned off, you know something is wrong, and when you turn them back on, you find things turned to what somehow just sounds right.
They take a while to work. When I got the first one, I put it in place and turned it on. Didn't hear much to get excited about. I took the dog for a walk, came back and it was OMG, what happened? I proceeded to add additional peas one at a time. Three seems to do it for me. My peas aren't going anywhere.
Mr B- You are correct. The Mini, Standard and Monolith are iterations of the same technology(Pulsed Electron Alignment), with various placement possibilities(ie: inside equipment) & power increases, relative to size.