Audio Recession

Is anyone seeing signs of an audio recession. Perhaps, dealers with lower inventories, dealer sales coming more often, more equipment up for sale, sellers selling to pay rent?
I agree that it is here.My sales are down 50% easily since
sept.11,and I only sell USED!!
Needless to say,my margins are way down just to move the stuff. It is indeed a great time to buy if one is in the market.
I don't see any signs of an audio recession whatsoever and sales have been very strong all year with the exception of September......We have sold fewer 10-20K preamps than expected, but think that is on account of the stock market the previous year more than 9-11.....I do keep a grocery basket in the garage just in case things get tough and have picked out a viaduct to camp under, but my retirement business is just doing great.....

Bob Crump
TG Audio/CTC Builders/DDR Mfg
good for you, bob! i've heard similar reports from others in the community who've survived prior "downturns." it was kinda fun while all those dot-com millionaires were around, but it seems they weren't really as much of a force as they've been popularly portrayed to have been. -cfb
It's a buyers market (used). $6000 speakers for $2200, $5500 amps for $2000, $700 cables for $200. I love it! My system has never been this good.