Audio Research Classic 60 & 120 owners

For those who own one of those, does the power transformer (left one on the 120 and the center one on the 60) get quite warm to the touch after a few hours of operation? Mine get very warm. So much so that i can hardly keep my hand on it for very long. The bias setting is dead on with SED 6550C. Mine were upgraded by GNSC back in 2004.

This is not a new phenomenon. They have been warm like this for as long as i can remember. I had meant to ask other owners but never got to it until today.
Any feedback much appreciated.
At last, I managed to identify the cause of the Line fuse that keeps blowing on one of the amp.

Hifigeek1 guess was correct. It is due to a faulty tube! I do not know how many were faulty as I replace all six tubes with new ones.

These replaced tubes were less than 100 hours of use. It just shows new tubes can be faulty at times.

I do not have a tube tester. Can anyone suggest how I can find out which one is faulty from the six I have taken out?

Many apologies for the delay in replying. I have not logon here for awhile. I live in London, UK.
Can anyone send me a picture of the test points (TP1 & TP2 and TP3 & TP4) from the bottom of the circuit board? I would greatly appreciate it! I know which resitors are to be tested from the top, however there is not enough room to test them from the top.

Thank you,

Todd Hadican