Audio Research DSI 450 vrs. HD 220 against all tu

I am in need of upgrading my power amps and am requesting insight from anyone who had had the opportunity to compare there two amplifiers. The amps will be paired up with Wilson max 2's. No,, tubes (110 or 210s )are not out of the question, i guess this is the comparison im really interested in, if the solid state or hyber can get me close enough to all tube, then that will be my direction. Thanks for you opinions

Jwm...which room did you hear the DS450s in: with the Maggies or the SF Elipsa speakers? Can you describe what you didn't like about them? I ask because everybody I talked to heard them first hand (especially with the SF Elipsas) said they were very nice sounding. Just curious. Thx
I heard Audio Research new class D amp in their own room. It was awful. They should stick with tubes. I did hear a class D amp that sounded wonderful and it happened to be an integrated. It was the Chapter Electronics Precis 250S. The room also featured the Revolver Cygnis speaker and Reimyo CDT-777 transport and DAP-999EX DAC.
How does the DS450 stand up against the HD220? I don't think the all tube 110 is enough wattage for my sometimes extreme listening habits. Im currently utilizing the 200 watt Clase monoblocks and push them pretty hard at times, not often, but want the juice when Zeplin arrives. I am hoping the 450 and/or HD220 can eliminate my having to pull the bucks for the 210's.I will go that direction if necessary. Wanting the (or close to ) tube sound w/o the tube headache is probably a dream.
Jwm... can you describe "it was awful?" what parts of the sonic presentation did not meet your expectation? ARC dealer said the DSi 200 which is their 200wpc Class D SS integrated amp was one of the best amps that ARC has put out. It easily drove the rather difficult load presented by Rockport Altairs. This same dealer heard the DS 450 (with a Ref 5, CD 8, and Ref 2 phono) pared up with SF Elipsas at CES and he said it was amazing.