I auditioned both before making the leap into ARC gear. Spend the extra bucks and go for the LS-26 as it was easily worth the additional expense, at least IMHO. While it's common knowledge that the Ref 3 is ARC's best and is a great preamp (I've also heard this one) again IMHO it's nowhere the "buy" that the LS-26 is in terms of bang for the buck.
If you have to pay nearly retail (which you shouldn't) for the LS-26 then you possibly should be looking at a used Ref 3 for a few bucks more.
If the Ref 3 is out of your reach then get up on your toes and stretch those arms out and grab the LS-26.
If you have to pay nearly retail (which you shouldn't) for the LS-26 then you possibly should be looking at a used Ref 3 for a few bucks more.
If the Ref 3 is out of your reach then get up on your toes and stretch those arms out and grab the LS-26.