Audio Research preamp ratings & sound differences

I have not had the opportunity to listen to Audio Research preamps, but there seems to be a few good ones to hold onto for the long term: SP10, SP11, SP14, SP17, LS17, LS17SE, LS25 MKI, LS26, LS 27, Ref 3 & 5

how do these sound? rate?
Dvdgreco - Since you ask about 12 different pre-amps from the same company I think you be better off locating some long time (20+ yr) Audio Research dealers. Ask them their opinion of sound quality and price to performance ratios. After 3 or 4 dealers I would think you would get an idea. But remember you will get 3 or 4 different sonic preferences.

Best of luck
Over the course of "n" years, I owned quite a few ARC preamps; namely: SP-9, SP-16, SP-17, Ref-3, Ref 5 and finally the Ref 5 SE. IMO, the there were significant incremental improvements in sound quality across the board as I climbed the ladder from the SP-9 to the SP-17.

The Ref 3 was in a totally different league. Surprisingly, I wasn't blown out of my listening chair when I traded up to the Ref 5 from the Ref 3. IMO, the Ref 3 is a very special preamp that will stand the test of time as a classic.

Having said that, I think the Ref 5 SE upgrade was a noticeable improvement as compared to the Ref 3. But make no mistake, another league ... another universe ... transformational change, ... I think not. Better?? Definitely yes. But in no way was the Ref 3 relegated to the audiophile garbage bin.
SP-9 Mk3...didn't like it at all.

LS-10...blackest background I ever heard. This preamp was so
good, I bought it twice. When this preamp was good, it was
incredible, but could be inconsistent on certain recordings.
Extremely rare, they only show up for sale on the used
market once every five years or so.

Ref-1...loved it, except for periodic mid-bass bloat on some

Ref2 Mk2...excellent preamp, solid from top to bottom.

Ref3.......Game-changer. Head and shoulders above the very
excellent Ref2 Mk2. I still have it and love it.
I started my HiFi journey with ARC LS1 in the 80's. It replaced my Adcom solid state preamp at the time. I was so happy with the result and stayed in the tube camp until now.

I recently changed from 40th Anniversary to Ref 10. The improvement is also very obvious. To me, ARC preamp is the best product from the factory. I have also used other ARC products but preamp stands above the others.