Audio Research Ref 3 Opinions

Anybody heard the new ARC Ref 3? Comments please !! in comparison to the ARC Ref 2 Mk2
Rom, the observation of the Ref 2 sounding almost slightly phase-shifted and bloomy is right on. I am delighted that the minor shortcoming has been addressed in the Ref 3. How many hours have you racked up on the Ref 3 break-in this far? Are you using the stock power chord or an aftermarket powerchord? Thanks, Guido

Yesterday, the tube hours counter read in the 130s; my rig is off right now.

I did the a/b comparisons using the stock cords on both units.

The Ref 3 comes with a hefty cord with a 20 amp IEC. I plan to eventually try out some commercial cords (probably Shunyata, others), as well as homemades made from twisted solid core wire shielded with tin foil. The sound is good enough that I have not felt compelled to mess with it yet.

I think you are really going to like the Ref 3. To my ears it does not cast a soundstage via the phasey sound you mentioned at all; it is gone. Rather, the sound is extremely focused, clean, and transparent. The soundstage you get is more like what is on the recording, but not necessarily as "spread out" as on the Ref 2 (at least not at this stage of break-in). The Ref 3 is really quite different sounding than the 2 but is still "beautiful" and natural, as opposed to cold and mechanical.

To perhaps help you put my comments in context, my current system is:

Sony XA-777es
ARC Ref 3
ARC VT-100 mk iii
Vandy 5A
Audioquest Anaconda ICs

I'm sure I'll get around to messing with my digital front end eventually. I wish that we would see some more killer SACD players, as I have invested a fair amount in SACD software and generally like what I hear.

Best regards.

Thank you so much Rom, the Ref 3 sounds more and more attractive. One of the probs I heard with the Ref 2 Mk. 2 was a trace of an almost glassy sheen on the instruments, almost a touch of glare. Is that gone as well?

I did not find sheen or glare to be a problem with the 2. I do not really recall a difference in the two preamps in this regard. Again, there is a family resemblance to the sound between the 2 and 3, so this is something you will need to check out for yourself.

I would be interested to hear the opinions of others who have tried the 3 with top flight sacd front ends.