Audio Research Ref 3 set display off/on.

Should Ref-3 save display illumination setting?
I set display off, then turn amplifier off, then on and display is on too. 

Is it correct? 
Every time amplifier is on display should be adjusted?
I also have audible high frequency noise from display.
Are you sure that noise is from the display? If so, there is definitely something wrong with your Ref 3.
Yes, this noise from display. If display switched off - no noise.
I also found that the more lights on display the louder noise.
Сan anyone confirm the following statement?
The Ref 3 will remember the display when you turn it off via the power button.
If the display set to off and you press the power button to turn off the Ref3, then when you turn it back on via the power button then the display will only come back on during the mute cycle: after the mute cycle (45 seconds?) finishes, the display will turn back off again (or to wherever you set it).