Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell amps


Just wondering if ARC Ref 5 preamp will mate well with Krell FPB 450 MCX monoblocks. My speakers are Revel Salon 2.

You are correct. There is no way all the parts from 40AE can fit into a single chassis. The SE has similar Teflon caps used in the AE and has an additional board with lots of electrolytic caps.

I have not heard the AE but the SE won't top the AE. I think it just slightly narrows the gap between the ref5 and the AE.
Doggiehowser and Sfstereo, just e mailed a local ARC dealer in Philly land. He confirmed that ARC is indeed releasing a new Ref 5 SE version. The announcement could come out at any time. He did not know whether the legacy Ref- 5 could be upgraded. He said (1) the front changed - round buttons instead of square button, insides -- (2) more muscular power supply -- new verticle mounted board with additional 8-12 power caps; and (3) teflon coupler caps.

The dealer said that he has not heard the new 5 SE yet for himself, but reported that the buzz in dealerland is get ready for something special.

Does anyone know if the legacy 5s can be factory upgraded? I don't care about the cosmetic changes to the front panel and round button part, just the guts.
I think there is a big demand for the parts so ARC is probably juggling demand for new orders vs factory refits (which probably includes the buttons and from face plate).

Best to book your order in.

In my case, my dealer just made too hard an offer to resist swapping for a new unit ;)
I received the ref phono 2 SE 3 weeks ago and my Ref 5 SE shows up on Tuesday. When I ordered both about 6 weeks dealer called me back and said the SE was available...but not officially announced. Seemed like a no brainer.

I also have Ayre KX-R...

The Ayre is paired with Sasha's and Ref 250s...the Phono 2 SE/SME 20/3 is one of the sources in that system along with Naim HDX/ARC DAC8. The Ref5 SE will replace Ref 2 in my cabin...paired with Ref150/Duettes...looking forward to putting in system. ARC has really hit it out of the park this year.
My understanding is upgrades will very likely be available...but no official word on price or availability