Audio Research Ref: CD8

I understand from speaking to Audio Research there is a CD8 now. CD8 has an upgraded power supply and DAC from the CD7. I have my CD7 at ARC for the power supply upgrade now.

Does anyone know more about the CD8?
Great to hear that the CD-7 upgrades gives a nice sonic improvement. I'll be sending mine in soon.
To continue ...

I had two friends over to hear the upgraded CD-7. To say that I had to pry their jaws off of the carpet is an understatement. Both are very familiar with my system. One arrived late, and as he walked into the room and after hearing only a couple of notes, he immediatly said: "Now there's a tweak that is amazing!" I put on the Bach Tocata on the EMI Classic disc and that's when the jaws hit the floor, mine included. Does this revamped player play bass? In a word ... YES! I put on another disc on the Brainbridge label, Stephen Kates on cello. None of my previous players; CD-III, CD-IIImk-2, or the stock CD-7 could handle the lower register of the cello on this disc. They simply crapped out. The modded CD-7 not only handled the low notes, it put them right through my chest! I'm still in disbelief over it. I had always thought the amp was running out of power on this disc, even though I have 100 watts and 94db efficient speakers. Looks like the majority of CD players just aren't up to the job on these Brainbridge CDs. Same thing with the lower registers of a well recorded piano. I have some simply miked piano recorded at local concerts ... and let me tell you, THIS is a piano! A piano right in the room!

This is like having an entirely new CD collection. Now I'm thinking ... Do I dare sell this player and get the CD-8? I'm kind of thinking, if, as my contact at ARC says, the modded CD-7 gets you 25% of the way to the CD-8, and I get the CD-8, will I ever leave the house again? Will I sell all of my thousands of records, dump the turntable and phono-stage ... and just be done with the whole vinyl thing?

Save me! I'm lost!
Man, that's good news. I'm excited about the better bass that the CD-7 update apparently provides!
Well guys I see most of you dont know the full history of these. ARC is trying to correct the PS problem in the CD7 for the last two years. What you are seeing is not an upgrade, but a fix.

Mine original CD7 was sttuning, live music, belive me. After sometime when I tested an SE pre-amp I noticed a hum. ARC send a kit (still in my player), a revision: 4 resistors were replaced on the side of the 6H30s and one added, a board was puted over the two sockets and two new 6H30s installed on this board. The sound of the CD7 moded by ARC this way never got close to the original, no life.

I hope this new kit (5881 tube) is all you are talking about. If not most of you only fixed a bad project problem. Note that the hum can only be heard in SE output.

Thanks for your perspective. I was plaining to send in my CD-7 for the PS update today, but now I'm not so sure whether to do this or not... Most people on this Board have said that the PS update improves sound, especially bass, but you clearly say otherwise. Should I go forward with the PS update?? I don't want to do this if it will make my sound worse!!