Audio Research Reference 150 severe distortion

My Reference 150 is emitting severe distortion in both channels. I checked the bias of the K120 tubes and one tube in both channels is reading as low as 20, rather the the standard 65 range.

Does anyone know of a possible fix that will not involve me shipping the amp back to Audio Research?

Both bad tubes are less than 3 months old.

I gotta play my Liberace Christmas music!
Ah, a luxury we NY'ers don't have.  I envy you in that respect!
My experience with McIntosh and the store that I purchased it from will benefit the store in the future, not McIntosh.  
Folks - free service for life?  Really.  Impractical, impossible. 
Free oil changes for the first 3 years...if you believe that the cost of offering such benefits is not built into the price beforehand you're kidding yourselves. 

Free drive train service... why not. Bryston has 20 years of warranty to begin with.

dchang198118 posts12-03-2015 4:44pmI wish audiogon  had a block user function.

There are Report-it flags should be next to each answer or discussion but found only on few out of many for some reason.
The development crew of Audiogon is not savvy enough to properly test and develop applications. If you ask Justin(the developer manager) for this function, his crew may screw up whole site.
All you can do is ask admin to block and maybe perhaps probably possibly your dream will come true.