Audiomeca Enkianthus DAC problem

Dear Audiogoners – about a month ago my DAC started to go show some strange symptoms: After correctly “locking” to my transport, it plays first CD without interruptions. When second (sometimes third) CD is inserted, there is no signal leaving DAC (while “lock” between DAC and transport remains on). This behavior also occurs while the transport is in the “shuffle” mode – in this case the signal from DAC disappears after 3-4 songs tracks being played.
What could be the reason for this behavior? Thank you in advance for your thoughts…
I have a similar problem with mine,. My problem isn't as bad /same symptom/ just not as often. I just hit the input selector and it comes back on / or should I say it locks back on.
I tried switching input selector and unfortunately it does not make any difference. Any other suggestions?
I had the mephisto IIX. I had lots of problems with it. I sent it to France for repair. Came back with more problems.
I understand where you are coming from.
Good luck....BIBIBI