Audiongon Bluebook accuracy


I have used the Audiogon bluebook several times, but I am not sure that it is very accurate in some cases. It seems to be more accurate when there is more sales data to draw from nut if there are only a few sales of a particular item, I am somewhat skeptical.

I am looking to buy a used Audio Research REF Phono 3 (not an SE) from a local dealer, and I am not sure what a fair price would be for a unit with just over 300 hours.

I guess that I have two questions that I respectfully ask for assistance for:

Where can I find another bluebook source?

What should I pay for a used ARC REF Phono 3?

Happy Listening!

P.S. Sorry that I typo's Audiogon in my post title. 


all info sources are limited by the quality and availability of input data

try hifi shark

Hifi shark is a good choice for a reasonably clear picture of what items are listed for. 

What I found with the Audiogon bluebook when I subscribed several years ago is that average price is not weighted based on age. IOW, if an item were 2 generations old, the sales from when it was current production was considered the same as current pricing. Agon bluebook average tends to be over inflated. I am not sure if the average pricing method has changed or not for the bluebook.

What I found with the Audiogon bluebook when I subscribed several years ago is that average price is not weighted based on age.

this is true, though they try to keep models and versions updated to some degree