Audiophile Boston pressing?

Can anyone advise whether high quality pressings of Boston's first two albums are available? I can't find that MFSL, Simply Vinyl or other such companies has ever offered these albums. Failing that, is anyone aware if 180g pressings are available? I have seen a Japanese pressing or two offered on eBay, but was not sure of the quality. What is the best example available?? Many thanks!!
I have two of each of them. Originals. I am taking them to the grave!

Saw them live again this summer for the sixth time. Always a great concert band.
The best ones I have on vinyl are in this order:
Japanese, best overall sound.
American original, good but bass could be better.
Fridays Music, good bass.
MFSL, Crap, very muddy compared to all above.
Bostons first album I feel was over processed especially compared to an acetate 45 I have.
Another +vote for the original CD. Sounds very good to these ears. I was thinking that there is a Sony "gold" CD
pressing of this title.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I tried Japanese pressing Boston and it sounded more like juke box only pressings.