Audiophile's New Year Resolutions?

Ok, I've spent a small fortune upgrading this past year (again). I am satisfied with all my current equipment. Plinius SA250 MKIV, Audio Research REF 2, Meridian 508.24 CDP, Dynaudio Contour 3.3's, NBS Monitor I speaker and XLR ic's, Black Diamond Shelves, Viper Powersnakes, etc. I do not need anything else. My system sounds great. I can be quite satisfied with what I have for at least a few years.

I will not logon to Audiogon daily, just to check the new classified listings. I can't imagine my system sounding any better. (Although, I'd like to get shorter speaker cables and maybe check out a dac and there's all those hundreds of albums that I always took extra care not to scratch that a new turnatable...)Oops!

Happy New Year!
My New Year's Resolution is to find enough time to start really enjoying all the "stuff" I've been accumulating over the last year. Sometimes I feel like a junkie; I get overly anxious awaiting the next big day of new listings. It isn't enough that Audiogon has the most comprehensive variety of audiophile equipment available on any given day, but I feel like I gotta cheat on them and go wandering about on other like sites just to make sure that some other sneaky addict hasn't just listed that obscure and rare piece that I just knew I had to have and thought I'd never see for a price that I just couldn't refuse. Oh well! I know that if I don't keep looking every day, that the one day I miss will be the one day that I see that thing marked SOLD before I ever got a chance to make it mine. I got to stop..Please God, help this weak soul become strong again. Happy New Year everybody!!!
My New Year's Resolution is to get my system working again. It should sound wonderful after all the "down" time from construction.
My New Years Resolution is to attend the C.E.S/The SHOW in Las Vegas (Yeah...BABY!) I moved to Arizona in 2000, but couldn't attend in 2001 because I got dog sick. Already got a room and weaseled a C.E.S. admission tag! I'll be posting daily impressions...hopefully other AGON members will post, too! Happy Tunes!
Just as soon as I get the three big pieces ( Krell 600c, Wilson surrounds, dcs percel upsampler ) I swear I won't spend another dime on anything else.

Of course if Krell updates the five channel HTS to Seven, then I might do that and then of course I will need two more wilson surrounds......and then.... Oh the hell with it I'm screwed.
Sell off some of the extra tuners, preamps, interconnects, speaker cables, receivers, D/A converters, etc, etc, that are in various closets.