AudioQuest RF Stoppers

Has anybody out there tried these little guys? I have a fair amount of tube noise (I think) from my AI L1, but could it be RF from cables? The noise comes equally from both speakers and doesn't increase as I turn up the volume; it's a dull hiss and is constant. I have kimber PBJ's for IC's and python M1 speaker cables. For what it's worth, I also have my DVD player plugged into the preamp "video" channel. Thanks for any help out there, you guys are great. Mark

Mark, I think Bob_bundus hit the point. Try it and you'll see...
I also experimented with some (TDK,no name and others I can't recall...) Ferrite RF stoppers on Interconnects, PC's, speaker cables. I didn't like the results. I always felt they sucked the life out of the music, made it sterile, uninvolving and anoying at last.
I guess if you don't hear any radio interferences they don't belong into the music system. Don't fix it if it's not broken, they say!

But, the RF Stoppers do "wonders" for your Computers, TV, cable, everything that's about Video! Make the picture sharper, less "noisy", more contrast, better colours. Or should I put it more correctly - they do good things for your eyes!
So if you like to experiment - do it. You'll use them somewhere else if they don't fit in the audio system.

Best regards,
This is probably noise from your amp. Have you replaced the tubes lately?

If you have to put your ear up to the tweeters to hear it, this is normal. If it is loud enough to hear from the listening position, you have something else goin on. May be RFI pickup from a ground-loop. Try ungrounding one component power cord at a time using a cheater plug. Always leave at least one component grounded.

If you put filtering anywhere in the system, you will lose some of the music.