Dave b: i am really missing something, your main list is cables and a cd player but you are the expert because you listen to live music, making your knowledge of hearing better? i am getting older and def do not hear as well as when i was younger but i do know what to listen for and what sounds good to me. this notion that live music is the ultimite and only way to truely hear music is pure bull started by those who feel they are elitists. every live hall some how alters the sound by it's shape, size, demensions and fixtures. the studio is where it's at. the only pure true way for an artist to create exactly what he/she/they are going for (although there are some great recordings done in odd places that sound fantastic). that's where the greatest music has been made, that's what i am intrested in hearing. you love live muic, great but this hobbie is about quality pre-recorded sound in your home.